
Map strings (names) to values.


Convenience wrapper on top of two dynamic arrays (elpekenin/utils/dyn_array.h).

new_map(type, name)

Create a new map variable.

  • type – Of the values being stored.

  • name – Of the map variable to be created.

map_init(map, size, allocator)

Initialize a map created by new_map. With a starting size and an allocator.

map_set(map, key, value)

Insert an element into a map.

  • map – Where to operate.

  • key – Name of the element being added.

  • value – Element added.


Does not overwrite existing elements

Does not handle errors when (if) array_append fails. Which, on the other hand, is very unlikely: no space left to allocate.

map_get(map, key, ret)

Find an element by its key in a map.

  • map – Where to operate.

  • key – Name of the element being searched.

  • ret – Error code. * 0: Element found. * -ENOKEY: key not found in map.


The element identified by key.


You must check ret before using the return value. If it was not found, you will just get the last element in the internal data structure.