
Utilities on top of XAP.

See also

QMK’s documentation about XAP.


XAP is still work in progress.

Pull Request for the feature.

type xap_msg_id_t

Identifier for each type of message.

struct screen_pressed_msg_t

Inform about a screen press event.

xap_msg_id_t msg_id

Identify this message.

uint8_t screen_id

Identify the screen.

uint16_t x

X-coord of the touchpoint.

uint16_t y

Y-coord of the touchpoint.

void xap_screen_pressed(uint8_t screen_id, touch_report_t report)

Send a message to PC’s client about a screen press event.

struct screen_released_msg_t

Information about a screen release event.

xap_msg_id_t msg_id

Identify this message.

uint8_t screen_id

Identify the screen.

void xap_screen_released(uint8_t screen_id)

Send a message to PC’s client about a screen release event.

struct layer_change_msg_t

Information about a layer change event.

xap_msg_id_t msg_id

Identify this message.

layer_state_t layer

Layer state.

void xap_layer(layer_state_t state)

Send a message to PC’s client about a layer change event.

struct keyevent_msg_t

Information about a key event.

struct _base

Internal type used to hold event’s information.

Defined an inner struct instead of plain attributes to compute space left for the string.

xap_msg_id_t msg_id

Identify this message.

uint16_t keycode

Keycode involved.

bool pressed

Whether it got pressed or released.

uint8_t layer

Highest layer currently enabled.

uint8_t row

Electrical row of the key.

uint8_t col

Electrical column of the key.

uint8_t mods

Current modifiers.

char str[MAX_PAYLOAD - sizeof(struct _base) - 1]

String representation of the keycode.

uint8_t null

Ensure we have a null terminator byte.

void xap_keyevent(uint16_t keycode, keyrecord_t *record)

Send a message to PC’s client about a key event.

struct shutdown_msg_t

Information about shutdown event.

xap_msg_id_t msg_id

Identify this message.

bool bootloader

Whether MCU is rebooting or jumping to bootloader.

void xap_shutdown(bool bootloader)

Send a message to PC’s client about a shutdown event.